Shared Planet Solutions
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We Care!

Our Mission

The mission of Shared Planet Solutions is to make it as easy and as affordable as possible for us humans to be kind to our shared planet through our solutions that focus on everyday activities that are oftentimes overlooked.

Why the name Shared Planet Solutions?

It’s really simple.  We live on a planet that is shared by a very diverse collection of life forms, whether plant or animal, and believe it or not, we, at some level, depend on each other for survival.

Since us humans have opposable thumbs and the capacity for great intellectual and technological achievements, we have the unique ability to shape this planet, for good or bad.

The solutions offered here are practical solutions for our shared planet that leverages our intellect and technology for our benefit as well as the benefit of our neighbors.

But, as they say, it takes two to tango.  In other words, these simple solutions are most effective if we recognize that it is ultimately a shared responsibility to take care of our planet.

For example, we’ve given out thousands of reusable bottles at events that we’ve sponsored, but it is up to the recipients to pick up that bottle the next day and use it again instead of bottled water.  As another example, we’ve provided reusable drinkware, flatware, and silverware at events, but it is ultimately up to the participants to use their intellect to return the reusable gear to a collection station when finished using it instead of just throwing it out.

So that’s the genesis of the name:  We live on a shared planet where we can all benefit when each of us makes a difference through these solutions, but we also share in the responsibility to make these solutions effective.

What’s an information technology company doing in the environmental business?

Frankly, this should have happened long ago, but it finally all came together in the Spring of 2011.

Semper Technology, Inc., like most companies, has an array of promotional products to give to clients and prospects, like the usual pens, writing pads, and coffee cups.  We’ve always gave away useful items, so it was a natural move to offer reusable bottles and bags, but little did we know that we would eventually be giving these reusable items to more than just business clients and prospects, like grade school kids, that aren’t likely to pickup the phone and ask for IT consulting.  So how did this happen?

Semper Technology, Inc. has always had an inclination for the environment, and over the years, has gotten more involved in helping organizations and communities be kinder to the environment.  We organize litter cleanup events and sponsor non-profit events in an unusual way by providing reusable gear like water in a reusable bottle so that bottled water can be avoided.  So at all of these events, we’ve utilized and have given away our reusable gear. We’ve also learned a great deal in the process about human nature, event-related challenges, and basically what works and doesn’t work so well.

Unfortunately, Semper Technology, Inc. is a small company with a small staff, and we can’t be everywhere at the same time to help people be kind to the planet.  So what’s the solution?

Miriam Nasuti, founder of Talk Loudoun (, has been following Semper Technology, Inc.’s environmental initiatives, even featuring us in one of their newsletters, and has on several occasions suggested that we market the reusable products that we give away since we have real-life data on what works.  Interesting concept.  We’ve had several AFP International Conference on Fundraising attendees stop by our exhibit booth and thought that we were a promotional product vendor instead of information technology, so maybe Miriam is onto something.

About this same time, a couple other important events happened, including a tour of the Loudoun County Landfill (, where, like elsewhere in the U.S., we’ve gone to great lengths to literally bury everything that isn’t important to us anymore (including a huge amount of recycling that just shouldn’t be there), and a sobering presentation by Tony Noerpel from Sustainable Loudoun ( regarding our dwindling natural resources (whether you choose to believe it or not).

So while taking a break between meetings in the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden in Washington, DC and watching countless tourists and business people toss their empty bottled water and other disposable items into overflowing trash cans, Shared Planet Solutions was born.  Why?  Because number one, there were no recycling bins to responsibly collect all the recyclables that will be in a landfill forever, secondly, people just don’t understand the long-term impact of the incredible waste generated by bottled water and similar products, like disposable shopping bags, even if recycled, and thirdly, all the children that have adopted the bad habits and mess that older generations have created in the sake of “quick-and-easy”.

Semper Technology, Inc. has to at least try to put a dent into our use-and-toss habits and help facilitate meaningful environmental responsibility in government, business, and home.  As the saying goes, it is better to teach you how to fish so you can feed yourself instead of just feeding you fish.  That’s what sustainability is all about and that’s how we can be most effective.

Why Now?

Because it isn’t too late to fix this, and our mission is to help you understand why it is important to you and the rest of this planet’s inhabitants, and then to help facilitate change though our solutions that are simple, affordable, and sustainable.

This Page Last Updated on Friday, August 12, 2011 11:02:50 AM